What is Rio Bash?
RioBash is a yearly event held at USAir, hosted by ClubFR, in memory of Jake Possemato, who was a long time member of the ClubFR drifting community. In 2018, Jake lost his lifelong battle with anxiety and depression; and he ended his life. After Jake's passing, ClubFR turned the next Dday into "RioBash 2018". The drift community, family and friends, and the local community came together for a wonderful weekend in Jake's honor. In 2019, many people asked to have RioBash as an event again, and ClubFR agreed and while we missed out in 2020 due to covid, we have held RioBash every year since. RioBash now symbolizes the #checkonyourfriends mission, and the recognition that mental health awareness is a very big part of this community; having lost many other members to suicide over the past 7 years. RioBash and its organizers have raised funds over the past 5 years and contributed to numerous organizations who promote mental health wellness.
RioBash has become a signature event at USAir, bringing drifters of every level together for a weekend of driving, building new friendships, good vibes and great fellowship. People of every age and every walk of life attend this event and those who come as strangers, leave as friends. There is a togetherness unlike any other event and everyone leaves the weekend feeling better for it and full of unconditional love.
In recent years, RioBash has raised funds used to support their own community; far and wide, assisting others with various needs from groceries and gas to rent and counseling and medical bills. All proceeds go back out to the drift family/community, with no expectation of repayment - rather we ask that when the opportunity comes about, to pay kindness forward by #checkingonyourfriends.

2018 - Oct 27+28
“You made us laugh, you ate up the world around you with your sarcastic wit and sense of humor. You filled our lives with laughter and excitement and there are about a million memories that make my heart so filled with joy.”
— Jeanie
2019 - August 3+4

2021 - August 14+15
We Miss You, Jake
July 16, 1992 - September 28, 2018